Taking Down a Tree Behind the House

One of the big trees behind the house had started to uproot in a storm earlier in the year.  We finally had to have it removed.  It took some work to get it down safely.



The tree company we hired removed it section by section to avoid hitting the house.

Afterward my father worked on sawing up the sections into manageable chunks that could be chopped into firewood.


Then we split it all and stacked it for firewood for the coming winter.

Spring Llamas

Flowers are blooming everywhere on the farm.

Webster the llama is pretty excited for spring!

All of the sword ferns are unfurling in the forest.  The llamas love eating them where they can reach through the fence.

Cape Meares Lighthouse

This beautiful little lighthouse is a great place to go check out on a sunny day.  The Cape Meares Lighthouse has an incredible history that the volunteers who open up the building in the summer are happy to tell you all about.

Some of the rotation mechanism for the light.

Because the cape is so tall, the lighthouse doesn’t have to be.

Looking inside the lens assembly.  Someone shot at the lighthouse a few years back and damaged a few of the lenses.

It’s a very pretty little light house!