Back to Cascadia

One last mediocre beer before returning to the great nation of Cascadia.

On the plane just after we crossed into Cascadian airspace, the flight attendants broke out microbrews for all.



Cal Cup Baseball Tournament

On our way back from the Conservatory of Flowers, we stumbled upon an old fashioned baseball tournament. The teams were using 1886 rules and playing with all 1886 equipment.


Notice the time-traveling couple in the middle of the photo.  They were dressed in period hipster wear but were using iPhones.

Conservatory of Flowers and Poisonous Friends


Before leaving San Francisco, Sean and I went to the Conservatory of Flowers to view the Poisonous Plants exhibition.


In the exhibition.



Who knew so many common plants were poisonous?







Back in the main greenhouses we found many wonderful sights.



In the water room.