We decided to go on a day trip island hopping around Nha Trang. The bus that picked us up was a sleeper bus. Not the most practical of transport but it worked.

Some soldiers getting on a boat at the docks.

Ready for adventure!

Fishermen checking nets in round boats rowed with a single oar.

We stopped off at a nightmare of an aquarium. Someone had too much concrete and rebar at this place.

This was the entrance.

A Virgin Mary made out of shells.

All manner of tacky things made out of shells in the gift shop.

The aquarium was like this throughout the place.

The front of the aquarium. It looked like a big concrete pirate ship.

A turtle swimming by.

This was built before the Pirates of the Caribbean movie series started coming out.

An odd offering.

On the boat to the next stop.

Relaxing in the sun.

This watch was a goner.

Lunchtime on the boat.
Our boat captain and two of his mates sang various popular songs in English even though they didn’t really sing English.
You have to admit that these guys are pretty good.
I wonder where all of the boat crews learned to sing like boy bands.
Other boats nearby had similar musical entertainment put on by their crews during lunch.
Do these guys even know what the lyrics mean? Does it matter?
Musical talent to be sure.

The band.

Next it was time for after-lunch swimming.

The boat brought out a floating bar. The bar had very bad wine. One of the young kids on vacation on the boat became the bar tender.
Steph wasn’t so sure about jumping off the boat.

Into the water she goes!

Adrienne takes the plunge.

Next we stopped at an island to spend time on a private beach.

Snacking and relaxing.

Heading off to another island.

Another one of those round boats with one oar.

Back on the mainland, Adrienne found a new way to get a tattoo. Beer bottle labels work quite well.

The aftermath of a table eating near us.

Seafood waiting to be eaten.

The whole gang.