Hole in the Ground and the Adventure to Find the Hole


On the way to Hole in the Ground we took a wrong turn and ended up trucking down some old forest roads with no signs, no directions, and a profusion of turns to take.

This is a video of the crazy little forest tracks that we took as we headed through the forest trying to find Hole in the Ground.  We eventually ran across a downed tree that we couldn’t move and couldn’t easily drive around.  After some backtracking and taking other roads, we found a power line access road.



There were a whole host of branches and small trees across the dirt rack.  Zach got out of the car and started smashing his way through the blockade.


As Vera most likely said (or should have said if she didn’t), “ZACH SMASH!”

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If you’re a downed tree in the middle of the road, you don’t want to see Zach looking at you like this.


Finally after a great deal of driving, we found Hole in the Ground.


Some ATV riders were in the bottom of the hole.  Many years ago I hiked to the bottom and found a bowling ball and bowling pins.


A view of the whole hole in the ground.


Vera doing a kick jump at Hole in the Ground.


Vera and Zach at our hard-won definition.

Lunch in the Juniper Forest


After a fun time at Crack in the Ground, we went down the road a bit to have lunch.


A couple cans of beer and some hot dogs made for a delicious lunch.


While poking around our lunch spot, Heather and I found a garbage bag full of old VHS movies and a remote control for a VCR.  It appeared to us that this might have been where someone went after robbing a house in the area.  Why someone would steal VHS tapes and then dump them out in the desert is beyond me.


A juniper standing sentinel.


Thunderstorms in the distance.

IMG_7674Back on the road toward Christmas Valley.