Here are a few photos of the CalTech campus and my dorm room. So far as of Saturday, June 20, I have no room mate. Fingers are crossed that it stays that way! Oh, and I also don’t have AC.
The CalTech campus. There are olive trees, big oak trees, and eucalyptus trees everywhere. Everything is super green here, too. I figured out why the other night. They irrigate like crazy!
The desk in my dorm room. It’s a little messier than that now. Papers and electronic devices are now strewn about.
My room comes with a sink in between built-in wardrobes and drawers. As long as I only eat liquid foods, I will never have to leave the room again!
My drysuit hanging up in a corner of the room. I used all of my bungee cords to come up with a way to suspend it. Next weekend I’m planning to go diving.
The desks are located underneath the lofted beds. The loft kit comes down to about 6 feet. In other words, I have to duck in half of the room. The big bright spot is where the window is located.
Saw these fake guns (squirt guns? airsoft?) at one of the entrances to my dorm. Several of the other entrances have fake guns stationed at them as well. No clue what they are doing there.
A canon chained to the building outside my dorm. This was the one stolen by Harvey Mudd back in the 80’s. Were it not for the very responsive campus security force and the students who seem to be awake at all hours of the day and night, it would be very easy to drag that thing off campus.