Sunrise at Ayers Rock


The expedition rose early in order to witness sunrise at Ayers Rock.























Other expeditions also recorded the event.



Ayers Rock from the official sunrise viewing area.  I have no clue why anyone would want to view sunrise from this angle.  The Olgas can be seen to the left of Ayers Rock.



Ayers Rock in the Evening


The expedition returned to Ayers Rock in time to watch the sun sink low over the Red Centre.



















Many people waited for the sun to set but were mildly disappointed when the sky became covered in clouds, blotting out the sinking sun.




































The Olgas


The Olgas, an interesting rock formation consisting of many domes, was the next target of the expedition.



Ayers Rock in the distance.





Trekking in amongst The Olgas.


A group of wandering Germans was encountered.





People are dwarfed by the sheer size of the rock domes.





Staring out into forever.  The next bit of civilization is many hundreds of kilometres away.