PC800 Owner/iPCRC Registration Form

Thank you for registering with the PC800 Owner and iPCRC Registry!

The PC800 Owner and iPCRC registry was maintained for many years by Leland Sheppard. I have taken over maintenance and upkeep of his many PC800 websites — for questions, please contact me. We miss you, Leland.

Please email me the following information:

Owner’s Name:
Email Address:
Telephone Number (enter “not listed” if you don’t want it listed):
State/Provence/or Area:
The decade you were born (e.g.: 1930s, 1970s, 1990s, etc.):
The Model Year of your PC:
The year you bought your PC:
VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) or frame number:
Comments (anything you’d like recorded for posterity):

COASTERS: assistance for PC riders having trouble in your area. Please include all that you are willing to provide or “none.” Just give me the parts of the COASTERS acronym you’re willing to provide to PCers in your area.

  • C – Cart a PC800 rider’s bike by truck or trailer
  • O – Overnight accommodations
  • A – Available to assist or help with mechanics/repairs
  • S – Support with telephone
  • T – Tools/shop or garage/manuals
  • E – Errands such as gas/parts/etc.
  • R – Ride if in the area
  • S – Storage for the bike for a limited time
  • None – No help for a PC800 rider in your area.

Please email me all of the above information and I’ll get it entered into the spreadsheet, and email you back.