Honda Pacific Coast (PC800) Worldwide List of Organized Rides and Gettogethers (The PC800 Ride Guide)
This is an index of organized PC800 rides worldwide. If you know of a ride that is NOT listed here, please contact Leland Sheppard [Editor’s Note: while Leland is away on his final ride, please contact Douglas] or, if you are one of the ride organizers, please email me some information about the ride.
This list is organized by country then by area within country and finally chronologically within area. If you would like the information for the rides in your country listed in your native language, please supply the translated text to me and I will add it. Thanks. Leland Sheppard.
Site was last modified on 04/19/2020 to update some obsolete information.
Editor’s note: I am preserving Leland Sheppard’s PC800-related content after his passing. This is one of his pages that I felt the PC800 community would want to have preserved. Leland may be on his final Iron Butt ride but he is not forgotten.
Name of Ride/Gathering:
Principal Contact for Ride/Gathering:
Time of Year:
First Year Organized:
Name of Ride/Gathering:
Principal Contact for Ride/Gathering:
Time of Year:
First Year Organized:
Name of Ride/Gathering: Ourinhos Motofest
Description: shows, exposition, confraternization
Principal Contact for Ride/Gathering: Igor Januska
Time of Year: September
Location: Ourinhos-sp
Duration: 3 days
First Year Organized: 1997
Name of Ride/Gathering:
Principal Contact for Ride/Gathering:
Time of Year:
First Year Organized:
Name of Ride/Gathering: PC Treffen
Description: Annual Pacific Coast rally
Principal Contact for Ride/Gathering: Hermann Steffens?
Time of Year: May
Location: Various locations throughout Germany
Duration: 3 days
First Year Organized: 1999?
Name of Ride/Gathering:
Principal Contact for Ride/Gathering:
Time of Year:
First Year Organized:
Name of Ride/Gathering:
Principal Contact for Ride/Gathering:
Time of Year:
First Year Organized:
United Kingdom:
Name of Ride/Gathering:
Principal Contact for Ride/Gathering:
Time of Year:
First Year Organized:
United States:
East Coast:
Name of Ride/Gathering: Eastern Shores Ride
Principal Contact for Ride/Gathering: Israel Engle
Time of Year: late April
Location: Maryland
Duration: weekend
First Year Organized: 2002?
Name of Ride/Gathering: WWWV (Wild ‘n Wonderful West Virginia)
Description: Touring through Pocahontas County
Principal Contact for Ride/Gathering: Willie Seay
Time of Year: mid May
Location: Marlinton, West Virginia
Duration: 2 or 3 day Weekend
First Year Organized: 2005
Name of Ride/Gathering: KABAMM (Kim and Bob’s Annual Mountain Momma) – was MOVE
Description: Enjoy the rolling hills of southeastern Ohio and bits of West Virginia
Principal Contact for Ride/Gathering: Bob Scott
Time of Year: mid May
Location: Parkersburg, West Virginia
Duration: weekend
First Year Organized: 2006
Name of Ride/Gathering: Americade
Principal Contact for Ride/Gathering: Tim Davies
Time of Year: Early June
Location: upstate New York?
Duration: Up to 4 days
First Year Organized: 1999 (dinner), 2000 (ride)
Name of Ride/Gathering: Honda Hoot
Principal Contact for Ride/Gathering:
Time of Year:
First Year Organized:
Name of Ride/Gathering: Deals Gap
Principal Contact for Ride/Gathering: Tim Davies
Time of Year: July
Location: Deals Gap, North Carolina/Tennessee
Duration: up to 4 days
First Year Organized: 2000
Name of Ride/Gathering: Finger Lakes Tour
Principal Contact for Ride/Gathering: Tom Boynton, Gary Amon, Tim Davies
Time of Year: Early August
Location: Finger Lakes area of New York state
Duration: weekend
First Year Organized: 2002
Name of Ride/Gathering: Honda Homecoming
Description: Honda HomeComing Marysville Ohio. Test rides, 2 vendors areas, Sponsored ride, Block parties, M/C light show. A good time for everyone.
Principal Contact for Ride/Gathering: Dick Robinson
Time of Year: Late July
Location: Marysville, Ohio
Duration: 3 days
First Year Organized: 2001
Name of Ride/Gathering: NoVa (Northern Virginia)
Principal Contact for Ride/Gathering: Willie Seay
Time of Year: Late August
Location: Stafford (Fredricksburg), Virginia
Duration: 2 or 3 day Weekend
First Year Organized: 2001
Name of Ride/Gathering: Cape Ann Tour
Principal Contact for Ride/Gathering: Peter Teague?
Time of Year: June? Summer?
Location: New England?
Duration: Weekend
First Year Organized: 2001?
Name of Ride/Gathering: Christoffer Carstanjen Memorial Ride/Fall Colors Tour
Principal Contact for Ride/Gathering: Darren Sinofsky; Emmett Marrone
Time of Year: September or October
Location: Upper East Coast
Duration: weekend
First Year Organized: 2000
Name of Ride/Gathering: Colors of Philly PC800 Ride
Principal Contact for Ride/Gathering: Rachel Adamec
Time of Year: latter part of October
Location: western Philadelphia suburbs
Duration: 3 days
First Year Organized: 2004
Name of Ride/Gathering: The PC800 Clam Bake
Description: Start at Middletown, CT; ride for our first course (chowder) at one place then shrimp cocktail at another then lobster at another, etc. About 5 restaurants and 200 miles
Principal Contact for Ride/Gathering: Michael Vespa
Time of Year: early July
Location: Harbor Park, Middletown, Connecticut
Duration: 1 day
First Year Organized: 2005
Name of Ride/Gathering: Rhinelander Tour
Principal Contact for Ride/Gathering: Ralph Couey? Mark Gilb?
Time of Year:
Location: Missouri/Arkansas
Duration: weekend?
First Year Organized: 2001?
Name of Ride/Gathering: Annual Baraboo Wisconsin Ride In
Principal Contact for Ride/Gathering: Terry in Chicago
Time of Year: mid September
Location: Wisconsin
Duration: 3 day weekend
First Year Organized: 1998
Name of Ride/Gathering: Indiana Covered Bridges Ride
Principal Contact for Ride/Gathering: Rich Fenwick
Time of Year: October
Duration: weekend
First Year Organized: 2001?
Name of Ride/Gathering: Canyon and Reef Ride
Description: multi-day ride through northern Arizona and southern Utah
Principal Contact for Ride/Gathering: Revill Dunn
Time of Year: early June?
Location: north rim of the Grand Canyon
Duration: multiple days
First Year Organized: 2007
West Coast:
Name of Ride/Gathering: Mountain Motorcycle Camping Trip
Description: weekend camping trip and ride in the Sierras
Principal Contact for Ride/Gathering: Leland Sheppard [Editor’s Note: Not sure who will be taking this over]
Time of Year: May, usually but could be summer as well.
Location: Sierra Nevada mountain range
Duration: weekend
First Year Organized: 2002
Name of Ride/Gathering: (This ride changes names every year, so…)
COOLWHIP In Reverse Congregating Unique Learned Adventurous Riders (CIRCULAR) – 2015
Southerly Inland Grand Sightseeing Bridge Excursion Extraordinaire (SIGSBEE) – 2014
Ride Around Mount Rainier in One Day (RAMROD) – 2013
North Olympic Peninsula Excursion (NOPE) – 2012
Beyond Hope…and Back Again – 2011
WORMHOLE (Western Oregon Ride – Mt. Hood Overland Loop Excursion) – 2010
VIVID (Very Interesting Vancouver Island Drive) – 2009
COASTER HASH (Coastal Overlooks And Scenic Tour Everybody Rides Having Annual Saturday Happiness) – 2008
DRENCH (Day Ride Eastward on the North Cascades Highway) – 2007
OVERCAST (Old Volcano, East of Roseburg, CAldera Scenic Tour) – 2006
UPCHUCK (Unruly Pacific Coast Horde Unhurriedly Circumnavigating Klickitat) – 2005
AD HOC (A Drive with the Herder of Cats) – 2004
WENCH (Washington Excursion on Naturally Challenging Highways) – 2003
COOLWHIP (Central Oregon Overland Loop With Highly Interesting People) – 2002
Aufderheide – 2001
Description: A day’s ride through the northwest
Principal Contact for Ride/Gathering: Bruce Pickett and on the Groups.IO group.
Time of Year: mid June
Location: Oregon, Washington and British Columbia
Duration: weekend
First Year Organized: 2001
Name of Ride/Gathering: Valdez Run Under the Midnight Sun
Description: Three days of riding and enjoying the surrounding views and activities during the summer solstice in Port Valdez, Alaska – Every year we try something different. We’ve done kayaking, white water rafting, glacier cruises, etc. Next year (2005) we’re going halibut fishing!
Principal Contact for Ride/Gathering: Juan Goula – Juan moved to Nevada. Not sure who is organizing this now.
Time of Year: on or near the summer solstice, June 21
Location: Valdez, Alaska
Duration: 3 days – depending on weather and activities
First Year Organized: 1999
Name of Ride/Gathering: TGPCHPCMY2KMR – The Great Pacific Coast Highway, Pacific Coast Motorcycle, Year 2000, Motorcycle Ride
Description: Ride down the Pacific Coast Highway; California on odd numbered years and on alternating even numbered years, up the coast of Oregon and Washington or Looping through the Sierra Nevada mountains
Principal Contact for Ride/Gathering: Leland Sheppard [Editor’s Note: Douglas is minding things while Leland is on his final ride]; ride web page
Time of Year: September – starts weekend after Labor Day
Location: Eureka, California to San Clemente, California or Fort Bragg, California to Olympia, Washington or Cameron Park, California for 5 daily loops through the Sierra Nevada Mountain Range
Duration: up to 9 days
First Year Organized: 1999
Name of Ride/Gathering: Cycleworld International Motorcycle Show – San Mateo
Description: The Annual Cycleworld show – bikes from all over the world; people from all over northern California; free parking for bikes, thousands of bikes in the parking lot
Principal Contact for Ride/Gathering: Leland Sheppard [Editor’s Note: Not sure who is taking over for Leland]
Time of Year: early November
Location: San Mateo County Fairgrounds, San Mateo, California
Duration: 1 day (we go for one day; the show lasts three days)
First Year Organized: 2000