SCUBA Diving

In the fall of 2007 I decided to try out SCUBA diving.  By the end of December, I had progressed through the PADI Open Water, Advanced Open Water, Nitrox, and Rescue Diver courses.  Over winter break, I ended up in Utila, Honduras at Alton’s Dive Shop where I picked up a PADI wreck diver certification.  During the winter months, I completed the divemaster course and am now a PADI Divemaster.  I worked with Eugene Skin Divers Supply through Bottom Dwellers Incorporated to teach SCUBA in the Corvallis, Oregon area.  I am also a research diver certified through Oregon State University with the American Academy for Underwater Science Standards. I also have picked up night diver, deep diver, Emergency Oxygen Provider, and underwater hunter specialties among others.  One of these days, I’ll apply for my master diver certificate with PADI just for kicks.  Maybe I’ll get around to doing the instructor course, too.  But it’s pretty fun to just be a Divemaster and help out instructors.

In the middle of June, 2008 I passed 80 dives to date and in August I broke 100.  It was a fast few years of diving.  Then I moved to the middle of the country where there basically isn’t any diving and didn’t get in the water much for a few years.  But since moving to Monterey in 2018, I really ramped up the diving again.  As of February 2019 I’m at about 350 dives primarily in cold water.

More recently I have dived in the Cayman Islands, St Kitts, Saba, Vanuatu with Nautilus Watersports, and in Vietnam off the coast of Nah Trang.  Closer to home, I continue to enjoy all of the wonderful dive sites of the Pacific Northwest and run Oregon Dive Sites as a resource for Oregon divers.  Living in California, I typically do several dives per week in Monterey Bay.  Hopefully I’ll be doing tons more diving in the coming years.

  • Dive Log – Still need to upload my dive logs to my blog.  Someday I will have the time to do this…
  • Maintenance log – All of the purchases and maintenance I have done to my equipment.
  • Photos – Underwater pictures for your pleasure.
  • Miscellaneous Scuba Stuff – Whatever doesn’t fit anywhere else goes here.
Divers from our boat on their safety stop before heading to the surface. Most of the dive sites around Little Cayman have shallow moorings where you can do your safety stop while checking out the reef. A few require you to hover at 15 feet partway between the bottom and the boat.

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