Last week I started hacking apart the extra set of PC800 carbs and drilling into them to accept fuel injector bungs. I am using a Dremel tool and a cordless drill to do the work. All of the drilling and Demeling is done outside with a fire extinguisher close at hand in case some residual fuel decides to light on fire.
I used the very small hole in the side of the carb as a guide for where I want the injectors to come through.
Just after I took this photo, my Dremel tool failed. Most of the internals of the float bowls have been cut out. I still need to drill it out enough to take the injector and cut out a bit more of the float bowl parts. Hopefully in another few days, the parts will come for my Dremel to get it back online. It appears that the brushes burned out. Hopefully the motor controller is still intact and working properly.
In other fuel injection-related news, I made a big purchase today from for a MicroSquirt, a wide-band O2 sensor, and several other sensors. Now, aside from a few relays that are still to be purchased, I have just about everything I need to assemble this project and get it running. With how much money I spent to get here, this is both very exciting and very scary. Hopefully it works and I didn’t waste my money!