Summitville Ghost Town

On our way north back to Denver after a great weekend chasing the Cumbres and Toltec Railroad, we stopped off in the ghost town of Summitville south of Del Norte.  The whole area is a superfund site now that is undergoing long-term cleanup.

Over about 150 years, this area was mined off and on before it was finally strip-mined in the 1980s.  A few structures in the old town still remain.

Our beloved truck, the Albino Rhino, poking around Summitville.

This whole area is a high alpine environment where life would be hard nine months out of the year.

In a few more years, the old buildings will finally succumb to the heavy snows of winter.

These old buildings are melting away into nothing.

A lot of people once lived here.  Now the few workers at the superfund site commute up from Del Norte or other towns down at lower elevations.

This lonesome place sure is beautiful.  Too bad it’s all contaminated.

Looking over toward some of the modern buildings used to treat water coming out of the mine tailings.

A two hole outhouse ready for the morning shift.


Heading North Toward Summitville

After several fun-filled days riding and chasing the Cumbres and Toltec Railroad, we followed another Rising Sun 4×4 Club member north on some back gravel roads up and over the mountains toward Summitville.

Getting ready to head into the unknown.

There are some beautiful colors in the mountains between the border with New Mexico and Del Norte.  This color indicates minerals that might be of interest to miners.

Up on top of the mountains on the way to Summitville.

There is a lot of beautiful scenery up here.

Down at an old townsite from mining days long since passed.  Almost nothing remains of what once was a thriving mining district.

Winter never really ends at this high of elevation.

Cumbres and Toltec: Antonito, Colorado in the Morning

Heather and I joined the Rising Sun 4×4 Club’s annual Cumbres and Toltec trip this year.  After driving down from Denver, we camped out with the group near Sublett, an old section house station on the railroad.  The next morning we went down into Antonito to catch the bus to Charma where we would later get on the train heading back to Colorado.  While we waited for the bus, we walked around the yards in Antonito to check out the sights.  The engine heading up the consist heading to New Mexico was getting ready to go.

The southwest bound train getting staged.

The engine getting turned around and ready to go.

A tiny speeder on display.

Getting steamed up and ready to go.