Going up Bald Mountain

I took the 4runner up Bald Mountain today. I’m over house sitting for my parents while they’re away taking care of some medical appointments.

The view from the top at sunset is stunning.

Had to fire up all the lights on the 4runner coming down the mountain to see where I was going. I really should replace those dim headlights…

Snowy Forked Meadow Day

Over the river and through the woods to Forked Meadow we go. The 4runner knows the way to carry the presents over the snow-covered roads.

I went up to Forked Meadow for a few days during the holiday break. Luckily the roads weren’t as bad as they were at Thanksgiving. The creek is really flowing through the meadows with melting snow.

Poofy enjoying the wood fireplace.

Working on the truck and checking out the burn piles in the snow

Dawn came with Poofy waiting to sit on my lap. The snow was gorgeous in the early morning light.

My truck was being temperamental with starting. I finally traced the issue to the air flow meter gate being frozen shut. I had to use some heating pockets to warm it up enough to get the gate moving so the truck could start. I had this same problem back in Oregon when it got cold enough but not in Colorado. It’s a very strange problem.

The burn piles did a great job of eliminating the extra woody debris. And wow the cornice on the house is crazy big! It reminds me of a glacier.