Making it to Forked Meadow in a snow storm

We had a challenging adventure in getting to Forked Meadow for thanksgiving. The state highway folks were enforcing 100% chains at Cressman’s so we put our square link boron alloy chains on the truck, dropped the air pressure down in the tires, locked the hubs, and had quite the adventure. The road to Shaver Lake was in decent shape with packed snow but once we turned onto Dinkey Creek Road it was 2+ feet of unplowed snow that we were pushing through. We dropped the truck into low range and went along at about 5 mph through the snow storm to make it in. At one point we encountered a truck that was abandoned in the middle of the road with no people around. It was under a big drift of snow.

Until the big snow blowers came through later that night or early the next morning, no one was getting in or out of the area except for us.

Burned connectors on an ARB air compressor

The connector on my ARB Air Compressor got charred after years of use. This is a known flaw in the design of older ARB air compressor and I know several people who have had similar troubles over the years. Luckily this didn’t start a fire. I replaced the connector with something better suited to the current draw and am now back in business.