Completion of the Project

The completed structure with a few extra people thrown in for good measure.

Slap Happy.

Finishing the last odds and ends.

Carrying extra cement for storage.

Heading home in the fog.  We wore machetes at night for protection as did all of the community.  Occasionally outsiders would come from lower towns to try and stir up trouble.  The machetes helped prevent that.

One last visit to the school before we left.

Keep on Trucking

With the foundation anchors poured, work continued.

Water was brought up from the bottom of the ridges to the school for use in concrete mixing.

The surface had to be leveled flat to make sure the tank would not shift and roll away.

On a walk to another part of the community, we discovered a beheaded coral snake.

Blocks were used to construct a pit where water could be gathered from a spigot off of the tank.

I found a good use for the pipe joints.

A concrete volcano.

Figuring out piping.

Pouring the concrete pad.

Getting ready for a community meeting.

The sun sets on another day of work.

Putting in stairs for the pit.

The ocean and the sun.