We stopped in the small town of Taroom for the evening because petrol stations in Australia generally close by 5pm. Obviously no one in their right minds would drive after dark due to the menace of kangaroos. We pulled into Taroom at about 10pm and had to settle for the rather spartan public camper park. It cost us each $4 AUD for our night’s stay. That was the cheapest we ever paid for a campervan park.
Night in Queensland
Toward Queensland
Continuing north toward the Queensland border we drove through kilometre after kilometre of lush farmland.
It was incredibly flat, lush farmland. In fact, we went several hours without seeing any sort of topography.
Along the way we stopped for some photos of a beautiful mustard field.
And we finally found some topography again.
We had a late lunch or early dinner at a roadside rest area where the wind was strong enough that our food was nearly blown away.
The expedition continued northward as the sun set over the flat nothingness in the west.