Grand Mesa in the Snow


We went up to Grand Mesa to see the sights and maybe do a bit of hiking.  Instead we found a bunch of snow and not many hiking opportunities without snowshoes.


We did find a GREAT beaver dam and lodge on Grand Mesa.  I miss my little beaver friends from Corvallis!

Beaver Dam Sabotage in Corvallis?



The Dunawi Creek Wetlands behind Heather’s apartment has been full of water the last few weeks.  Today when we walked through the wetland we noticed that the water was much lower than normal.  At the upstream end of Starker Arts Park we found the beaver dam.  It appeared that someone had busted the dam open.



Among the beaver and duck tracks, there were also a couple of human boot prints.



This pile of sticks next to the hole in the beaver dam doesn’t strike me as something that a beaver would do when opening up their own dam to lower water levels.  Especially the shovel scoops of mud on top… that looks a bit suspicious.



Did someone break apart this beaver dam or did the beavers do it themselves?  Is it a crime to destroy beaver building projects and hurt protected wetlands?

IMG_6683The scene of the dam breach.