Belfountain, Peoria, and Around

Outside of Philomath the fields have all been harvested for their hay.  Dimple Hill and Mc Culloch Peak are visible in this panorama.  So is the hill that Fitton Green sits upon.

Country Boys Gas in Belfountain.  I don’t think it’s been open while I’ve been in Corvallis.

The old gas tanks rusting in the sun.


The painting on the door says it all.  Gone fishin’

Just outside Peoria the fields have already been plowed.


Snowy Ride Up Marys Peak

This afternoon I took the motorcycle out with Christy to do a little ride.  We went up Marys Peak where we encountered snow on the road just past the first gate.  We turned around and headed back to town via Decker Road and Belfountain.  It looks like the top of Marys Peak will be off-limits to motorcycles for a while to come now.  The route was about 70 miles in total.

We turned around at a pull-out near a waterfall just after the first gate.  Only about 500 feet down the road there wasn’t any snow.

Christy fit in my passenger riding gear quite well.

Our Route Map

Engineering Biker Gang

Today I went on a ride with several engineering friends.  We did the Alsea Falls loop where we found car after car to slow our progress.  Even with the less than fast roads, it was still quite a bit of fun.  In Belfountain we stopped for a photo of our Engineering Biker Gang.

From left to right: Seth, Douglas, Kevin, Carl, Ashley, Don