Benham Falls

We went over to Benham Falls to check out one of the namesake cascades on the Deschutes river.  I would not want to go down this in a canoe!

These falls are incredibly loud to stand next to.

It’s well worth the walk along the old railroad bed to visit these falls.

Red Cinder Cone Butte

We went up on top of a red cinder cone butte east of Bend for a few views on our way out to some of the lava tube caves.

I think Redmond is off in that direction.

Back behind us is Newberry Crater.


The High Desert Raptor Show

We headed down to the High Desert Museum to check out the exhibits and go to the raptor show.  They had a variety of birds on display including this cute owl doing his thing.

Here’s a turkey buzzard that performed some tricks for us.

He’s a pretty bird!

One of the bird keepers with a falcon.  All of the birds seemed to have a good time doing their shows and getting snacks.