On the Oregon / Nevada Border


The border between Oregon and Nevada is a stark, beautiful place in this part of the world.


We saw an antelope watching us.


Welcome to Oregon!


The old Sheldon National Antelope Refuge and Range sign is a real classic BLM sign.


On the other side of the sign, people coming into Oregon are welcomed to the BLM Lakeview District with a bison.  I’m no wildlife expert, but I’ve never heard of bison living around this part of the world since the Holocene.

IMG_7554The way to Nevada.


Someone peppered this sign with a shotgun at some point in the past.

The Northern Territory / Queensland Border

The last outpost of civilization before heading into the Northern Territory is the Camooweal Roadhouse.

A whole slew of road trains were lined up, waiting to go.

Queensland believes itself about five years ahead of Northern Territory.

The road into Northern Territory.

Lord Bailey at the sign proclaiming the demarcation of Northern Territory and Queensland.

In the middle of the road.  There were no other expeditions passing through on this day.

Looking back into Queensland.