Summer at Forked Meadow

It is a gorgeous summer day at Forked Meadow today. There were some thunderheads to the east but nothing came to fruition here. Maybe there’ll be rain soon.

I found some caterpillars in the garden trying to munch on the carrots.

Poofy is pretty happy having me visit. She decided that the bed is the place for her to sleep.

Going up Bald Mountain

I took the 4runner up Bald Mountain today. I’m over house sitting for my parents while they’re away taking care of some medical appointments.

The view from the top at sunset is stunning.

Had to fire up all the lights on the 4runner coming down the mountain to see where I was going. I really should replace those dim headlights…

First time on the PC in a long time

After six months of my PC800 Honda Pacific Coast sitting in the garage, I finally took it out around town today. With the pandemic going on, it’s been sitting in the garage collecting dust waiting for fewer people to be in the local hospital. Hopefully it won’t be so long until the next ride but we shall see… this pandemic is going to be going on for years.