The North End of St Kitts

On our circumnavigation of the island of St Kitts, we drove around to the north end where this beautiful little church sits out alone near the sea.

An old stone church on the windward side of the island.
This is the van we toured the island in.
A muddy track up to one of the old sugarcane plants.
The old sugarcane railroad. Now it’s a tourist railroad. Unfortunately we didn’t have the time to go ride it on this trip.
Another interesting old church on the north end of the island.
There were a bunch of sugarcane factories making sugar on this island back when prices for sugar were good.
Looking out to sea from the north end.

Brimstone Hill Fortress

On our tour of St Kitts, we stopped off at the old Brimstone Hill Fortress. This is an important historical and cultural site on the island. This fort has an impressive, commanding view of the anchorages offshore.

I believe a sign told us that this was the old officers quarters.
Lots of old canons around this fort. This position would have commanded all ships below.
Heather checking out the ruins.
This sure is a gorgeous island.
One last view of the fortress.

Driving Around St Kitts

Before the boat loaded up, we decided to take a trip around the island. The guy who picked us up at the airport also does island tours. So we arranged with him to take us around the island and show us the sights. As luck would have it, the two women in the room next to us were also going on our boat and were looking to do an island tour. The four of us hopped in a van and took off.

Driving past one of the schools on the island. There are a few universities here teaching things like two medical schools and one veterinary school. If I remember right, this was a dental school attached to one of the medical schools.
Heading for adventure in the back of a Toyota van.
There are some stories about some of the creeks around St Kitts with how they ran red with blood from various battles and revolts.
At the site of one of the first sugar processing facilities on the island. If I recall correctly, this was a distillery area.
One of the monkeys on the island that comes down from the mountain to pose for tourists.