Sherwin Lake, Chinn’s Lake, Fall River Reservoir, and Loch Lomond Before the Storm



Heather and I went up to see some water today.  Our first stop was Sherwin Lake off of Fall River Road.


Looking down onto Chinn’s Lake below.


Sherwin Lake really is a pretty little place.



Down at Chinn’s Lake near the old miner’s cabin that gets partially submerged by the lake every day.

20160731_125133Looking north along the dam at Chinn’s Lake.


Not much of this cabin is left.



Looking out toward the general direction of Denver from Fall River Reservoir dam.


Fall River Reservoir is also very pretty.


We got up to Loch Lomond right as the clouds opened up and it started dumping buckets.  We tried to wait it out but there were too many black clouds and there was too much rain.

20160731_144558On the way back down to St. Mary’s and Alice, it felt just like home in the Pacific Northwest!



Chinns Lake, Fall River Reservoir, and Yankee Hill

20160618_182520_Richtone(HDR)Heather and I loaded up the Toyota 4runner (it still needs a good name…) and headed up to the Fall River Road area to look for somewhere nice to make dinner.  We went up the road toward Chinns Lake and almost got to the lake itself before running into a big wall of snow.  After turning around, we headed back down to another spur of the road that goes to Fall River Reservoir.  It was a wonderful place to cook dinner.

20160618_182606_Richtone(HDR)Making some sausages on the grill next to the spillway below the dam.

20160618_182630_Richtone(HDR)Now we’re cooking!

20160618_183226_Richtone(HDR)Not a bad place for dinner.

20160618_183332Looking around the dam and end of the road from a rock above our little dinner spot.

20160618_185403_Richtone(HDR)After the sun set behind the mountain, it got a bit chillier.  We packed up and got ready to head down the hill.

20160618_200606Instead of going straight back to Golden, we took a detour through Alice and St Mary’s Glacier to go up and over Yankee Hill.  We got up to the top of the first hill climb just after the sun had sunk behind the mountains.

20160618_200626_Richtone(HDR)Looking in the general direction of Kingston Peak.

20160618_200724Big mountains on the continental divide in the distance.

20160618_200955_Richtone(HDR)My truck sure does look great!

20160618_202525_Richtone(HDR)I think that’s Mount Evans on the left.

20160618_202531_Richtone(HDR)The nearly full moon rising over the plains.

20160618_202739_Richtone(HDR)Up on top of Yankee Hill.

20160618_203748Looking south.  This would be a great place to camp!


20160618_212523_Richtone(HDR)LET THERE BE LIGHT!  The light bar on my roof is amazingly bright.

20160618_215010Airing up the truck after a great evening of 4x4ing.  These long early summer evenings are great!