This afternoon I went on a hike that started on campus and ranged all the way to the base of Chip Ross Park. Along the path by the high voltage power lines, I was caught in a bit of a rainstorm. Luckily the trees provided me with a natural umbrella until the storm passed.

Walking through the forest, I stumbled upon a copy of an Anne Rice book entitled “Vittorio the Vampire.” It seems someone who enjoys trashy vampire horror/romance novels was walking in the woods and lost their book. I left it be in case the owner returns once night falls.

The irises are blooming in the forest. Spring has finally almost arrived.
This is an often overlooked meadow just beyond the current boundaries of the Timber Hill development. It is quite wet this time of year but very beautiful nonetheless. Just prepare for water if you go walking. I stupidly wore running shoes rather than my Goretex walking shoes and ended up with very wet feet.
I bet this tree looks spooky at night. At its base is an oddball basalt outcropping.
Corvallis in the distance with the new development at the corner of 29th and Walnut a little closer. This particular spot would be wonderful for a picnic in the summer once the grass dries out. It’s out of the way but not too far from town and has a decent view.
Looking up toward Chip Ross Park.
Someone lost their hat.
There is a lot of water running around through these meadows. The whole place is a squishy wetland.
Chip Ross Park in the distance. So, who wants to come hiking with me the next time I ramble around town?