Dan and Stacy’s Wedding


After many years of dating, Dan and Stacy got married in a beautiful ceremony at the Beazell Memorial County Forest.

Ashley and Aaron were at the wedding as were many other people I know from over the years in Corvallis.


Here comes Dan with his parents.


Dan waiting for his bride.


The ring bearer brings the ring to the maid of honor.


Here comes the bride!


Time to get married!


As they said their vows, all of the groomsmen took swigs out of their flasks.


Oh my yes.


At the reception.


Time for cake!  Congratulations you two!

Windy bicycle ride

On Friday Dan and I went out with a couple of other people on a SRFFK.  We did about 25 miles total.  Our average pace was around 13 or 14 mph.  The reason it was so slow was the crazy headwind that we encountered regardless of which direction the road turned.  For most of the way I led the pack as the air bulldozer, creating a bit of a windbreak for everyone behind me.  One particular stretch of long slog we went about 11 mph, barely making headway on a flat road.  At one point we even smelled salt like we were at the ocean.  On the way back into town, we hit a stretch where we were with the wind.  According to my speedometer and the way the wind died down when I hit a certain speed, the wind was blowing at a steady 25 mph.  It was quite the slow ride for fat kids!

A few road bike rides and some time in the gym

I didn’t get around to recording two road bike rides in the last week.  The one ride was about 25 miles and the other was about 15 miles.  Pace was 15mph on the first and 14mph on the second.  Also this week I went into the gym several times to run on the track and lift some weights.  Gotta get ready for swimsuit season!