OSU 2012 Commencement

Yesterday was the OSU 2012 Commencement.  This was the line for people to get into the TRUAX indoor football practice facility where we passed through metal detectors and lined up.  Usually everyone lines up in campus and marches down.  This year they corralled us like cattle inside TRUAX for several hours.  Evidently the First Lady needed extra security.

The line stretched all the way back to Dixon.

Inside TRUAX.  The little person way up on the railing by the windows is Chris Bell, the chief marshal of the ceremony.  There were about 4000 people in this building.  Somehow I suspect that this violated fire code.

Irem, David, and me waiting to head into the stadium.

Marching toward Reser Stadium.

Graduates marching out of TRUAX.

Faculty applause line.

Entering Reser Stadium.


There’s Jesse!

It looked to me like about 30,000 people were in attendance.  Biggest audience ever for graduation.

Marching in and turning the corner.

Marching up to our seats.

Chris Bell, Minister of Silly Hats.

PhDs sitting.


My family was somewhere back that way.

The crowd got bored waiting for the ceremony to start so they started doing the wave.  Over and over and over and over.

Platform party with Michelle Obama on the left.

Colors going to their resting place.

Conferring the honorary doctorate.

Michelle Obama gives her speech.  It was quite good.

The official video of her commencement address.

Looking back at the masses of Masters Candidates and Baccalaureate Candidates.

Walking up to get my degree.

David walking across the stage.

Yay David!


David and Irem having their photos taken.


Me, Irem, and David with our two fancy pieces of paper.


Yup, it’s real.  Oregon State University actually gives you your real diploma at commencement.  I think that’s pretty neat.

All of the people streaming out of Reser.


Additional Graduation Photos

 You can’t quite see me in this photo.  I was about one row behind this group.

In the blown up version of this photo you can see me in the third row on the outside edge of the center column.

 Right after getting my diploma with my professor.

 I dig the racing stripes that the robes come with.

 Getting the goods from the president of the university. 

MIME Graduation Ceremony

Friday was the MIME graduation ceremony.  I was hooded by my professor.  This is from before the lineup and processional into the concert hall.

David’s two kids were having fun hiding in his robes.


 Marching in.



 The platform party including the invited speaker telling us to have a good time and not sweat the small things.

Getting hooded.  I had to bend down so that my professor could put the hood on me.  Rob and Toni were having a good laugh over the height differential and also the words that the MCs read about me.  I made sure that they read something funny.

 Sitting back down after getting my hood.  Academic swag!


  With my professor.  My hands seem to have vanished.

The new PhDs and our professor.

Three PhDs fresh from the academic salt mines.

  With my parents.


 I am surprised Heather put up with me writing my dissertation for so long!

 Rob, me, and Irem.

 The whole family.