Walking Along the Circle Bike Path

Tonight Samantha and I went for a walk rather than a jog.  Neither of us were particularly feeling in a jogging mood.  Walking up the side road that I speculate may have been the original way up Witham Hill from the east, we saw a small herd of deer munching on the landscaping of a house.  Down in the wetlands, we were bombarded by a host of bats as night fell.  The cat that we had seen several nights previous with the “I’m Not Lost” tag made a reappearance far down the wetland path.  That kitty has quite the range!

Walking back to the house, we were accosted by several more cats out looking for some loving.  It seems that neighborhood is quite the mecca of petting-whore cats.

Our Route Map

Deer spotting, plum smuggling, and rose smelling while jogging

Samantha and I are trying to make a habit of jogging every evening.  Tonight we went up and over one of the ramparts to Witham Hill.  On Crest Drive, we found a tree loaded with plums.  It’s amazing how much fruit goes to waste in this town.  We are thinking of creating a map of all of the fruit trees and other edible plants in Corvallis so that people can find places to get fresh fruit in season.

Just past the plum tree, I mentioned to Samantha how a house had a eerily realistic deer statue in the front yard.  Upon closer inspection, we realized with quite a start that it in fact was a very much live four point buck in excellent condition.  It watched us for a minute then ambled into the back yard of the house.

In total, our run was 2.8 miles.

Our Route Map