Kate and Mark Get Married!

We took a very fast trip to Denver to see Kate and Mark get married right next to Union Station.

Rapid dress bustling before the reception and after the ceremony.

A couple of Kate and Mark’s nieces having a ball.

Trains coming in and going out.

Heather making a great maid of honor speech .

Travel by train!

A Colorado Corn Maze

Our third date was meant to be a trip to a corn maze outside of Corvallis but bad weather dictated that we do something different.  Five years later, we FINALLY had our third date at the corn maze on the Chatfield Farms land maintained by the Denver Botanical Gardens.

We ended up walking through just about every part of the maze over the course of a couple hours.  It really was a lot of fun.

Mile High Stadium

I had the opportunity to tour Mile High Stadium as part of a conference.  This is the only time I’ve ever been inside of an NFL stadium.

There’s that big white horse.  Its cousin, Blucifer, is out at the airport.

Lights coming on as it gets dark.

Elevation 5280 feet — one mile high.