Hike along Dinkey Creek to Camp El-O-Win

Today I followed Forked Meadow Creek down to where it joins Dinkey Creek and then hiked along Dinkey Creek down to Camp El-O-Win. After visiting camp, I then hiked cross-country back up to Forked Meadow. It was a nice little hike. I always enjoy exploring the nearby watersheds.

Going up Bald Mountain

I took the 4runner up Bald Mountain today. I’m over house sitting for my parents while they’re away taking care of some medical appointments.

The view from the top at sunset is stunning.

Had to fire up all the lights on the 4runner coming down the mountain to see where I was going. I really should replace those dim headlights…

Hoping for rain at Forked Meadow

Visiting Forked Meadow and hoping for some rain. These promising clouds often build in the direction of Florence Lake but rarely produce anything at Forked Meadow.

Poofy hanging out in the trailer waiting for her new house to be finished.