Forked Meadow Spring

I went up to Forked Meadow to visit my parents and help with some work on the house and on the Bobcat skidsteer. There is still a lot of snow in the shade and the meadows were all full of running water. Spring is arriving at Forked Meadow and across the Sierra Nevada!

I can’t remember seeing this much water before in Forked Meadow. But then again, I’m normally not there in spring.
Full of water. The meadows are looking nice and healthy right now.

On the edge of the marshy part of the meadow.
The water is really flowing along. I think this year we will be constructing some artificial beaver dams to help with soil retention and meadow restoration.
There are some nice ponds this year. There was even a pair of ducks hanging out in one of the ponds. And I heard frogs croaking!

Some of the installed dams and some of the natural dams in the creek.

Snow was in the woods all over the place.

The head of the cut in the middle meadow has advanced a little more uphill. I think we are going to do some significant work in here this year to try and stabilize it more.

Our own personal “Grand Canyon” is starting to fill in thanks to all of the work we’ve done in the area. I think we’ll do more work this year to help it along more. Maybe in a few years, we’ll be able to get some beavers to give us a hand.

This meadow is really swampy right now. Snow is still hanging around in the shadows.

At the upper meadows.

Snow in the woods.

Daffodils by the house.

Who’s my favorite kitty sister? Poofy!

My dad got a new attachment for the skidsteer. It’s a nice grapple that will help with clearing brush on the property.

Forked meadow sure is beautiful.

Christmas in Shaver Lake

Poofy is enjoying her new life as a cabin kitty. After being a farm cat, she became a trailer kitten, and now she’s a cabin kitty where she gets to sleep all day next to the fireplace.
Another beautiful sunset at Shaver Lake. The colors in the trees are really pretty this time of year.
Looking at the sunset from the other direction as the sun sinks low in the west.

I thought I had taken photos of the Christmas tree, the trains, Dmitri and Sul’s adorable daughter, Violet, and my parents but I was enjoying the moment so much that I never got around to taking any additional photos!

Thanksgiving Skid Steer Day

The first snow of the season is at Forked Meadow now.

The cabin is coming along.  It’s all closed in now and the sheet rock is up.

The meadows are so pretty in the snow.

The roof is slowly dumping the snow off as it warms up.

Time to put together this snow blower and get it setup on the skid steer.

All setup and ready to go.  This can do three feet of snow at a time.  My dad will be making good use of this over the winter.

My mom came down with a bad cold just before it was time to cook Thanksgiving dinner.  Heather jumped in an pitch hit for her.  I helped where I could.

Veggies ready to go.

Stuffing heading to the oven.

Pumpkin pie break.



Heather carving the turkey after letting it rest from the oven.

Green beans ready to go.

Gravy finishing up.

Time to eat!

Time to eat!

Just a little bit more skid steer work.  Now to change the tracks over to winter rubber.

These things are heavy!  Like 300-400lbs each.  And they’re pretty challenging to change.