Web hosting: Where is the best place to host?

For at least three years now, I’ve been mulling over changing the location of my website from my university’s servers to a private web hosting company. My mother uses Lunarpages and has since her previous hosting company had a spectacular meltdown. We somehow managed to get her domain name wrestled away from them before the company started selling off the domains of its customers. Searching my old emails, the Internet, and my memory, I can’t for the life of me remember what that company was named. Suffice it to say, it was bad. Since switching over to her current provider, she has been largely happy with their performance and price. Every once in a while we have some troubles with her website, www.springcreekllamas.com, going down or email being inaccessible, or some other minor inconvenience, but all in all we haven’t had any of the problems that others have reported from Lunarpages.

Several of my friends use Dreamhost. Most are happy although some report that it can be slow and laggy at times. From what I’ve read here and there on the Internet, there is a bit of a tit-for-tat battle going on between Lunarpages and Dreamhost. It is a bit hard to tell then if reviews are true on review sites such as this. Dirty tricks indeed!

If anyone has any suggestions or advice for a good web host provider, I would be more than happy to listen.