Driving Through the Eagle Creek Fire

On our way back from Courtney and Matt’s wedding, we drove through the Columbia Gorge just a few hours after they opened the west-bound lanes for traffic.  The Eagle Creek Fire has been raging through the Gorge for a while and we were pretty surprised they let us drive through.

The fire is just a few hundred feet away through the trees at this point on the road.

We actually saw flames all the way down to the eastbound lanes.

There were fire crews parked all over the place on the eastbound lanes working on the blaze while we drove through.  Crazy!

Phi Kappa Psi Burns

Who would ever think our Greek Fire Academy training would be put to use so quickly?  The abandoned house that used to be Phi Kappa Psi caught on fire a few nights ago.  One room was pretty torched but the rest of the house remained the same: blown up.  Last year in November the whole place blew up when a boiler exploded.  In the next month or so it’s supposed to be torn down and rebuilt as the new home of Phi Kappa Psi.  Until then I would not be surprised if it caught on fire again.

The fire fighters had to use a chainsaw to break through one of the side doors of the house.




