Driving Up Phantom Canyon Road in a Thunderstorm


We started up Phantom Canyon Road just as some dark storm clouds rolled in.


Through a train tunnel as the hail starts pouring down.

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Big, fat raindrops hitting the windshield.

I was having a lot of fun driving up this road through the rain, hail, and lightning.


Another tunnel.


This was a deep one.


Getting darker and wetter.


Over an old bridge with a Jeep going extremely slow in front of us.


The Jeep let us by and we continued our progression up this really interesting canyon.



The storm cleared as we came out on top of Phantom Canyon near the town of Victor.


HUGE Private house or lodge of some sort.

Oregon Dunes


We stopped off at the Oregon Dunes just south of Florence to see where the sand and the ocean meets.  Heather and her parents posed in the dunes.


A little beetle walking through the sand.

STA_9416 - STE_9420
STA_9428 - STG_9434 STA_9435 - STH_9442 STA_9446 - STI_9454

Drysuit Checkout Dive in Woahink Lake



After Heather purchased her new drysuit, we decided to go try it out.  A favorite site to test drysuits and get crabs is the Florence Jetty.  We arrived at high tide hoping that the visibility wouldn’t be too bad.  This is looking just east of the SCUBA access ramp.  It was an extremely high tide from the looks of things.  Perhaps there was a bit of a storm surge.


This is the ramp into the water.  There was a good deal of debris in the water sloshing around.


There were some big waves coming in on the south jetty and big breakers just offshore.

IMG_3823The large logs rolling around in the entry area and the complete lack of visibility didn’t make us very happy.  If you can’t even see anything in the entry area, the whole site is usually blown out.


Heather isn’t too impressed with Northwest diving.



Watching this log roll around made us decide to go to our backup dive site at Woahink Lake.


We went to the east boat ramp at Woahink Lake where SCUBA classes often go diving.  There isn’t especially much to see in the water but it is a good site for when the west boat ramp is full (it was with a class) and the jetty is blown out.  The green tank is one of Heather’s two new aluminum 80 cubic foot tanks.  Now we have enough tanks to do two dives each before needing air fills.


Heather getting into her nice new drysuit.


Getting ready to go diving together for the first time!  It only took about a year to get here.


Heather in her suit.  It is a bit baggy around the hips but once underwater, that bagginess gives an increased range of motion.


Me in my BARE suit.  I haven’t met many other people who dive red BARE suits.


In our suits together.

IMG_3846After the dive warming up together in the car.  We only did one dive at Woahink because it was rather cold and nasty at the surface and because there really isn’t a reason to do two dives at the same place in Woahink ever.