The Garden is Growing!

Everything is blooming and growing right now on the farm.

The apples are coming along nicely.

Our crop of lettuce in the greenhouse will be ready to start harvesting in another few weeks.

We’re trying to re-start a strawberry bed.  We’ll see if the strawberries make it or not.

Here are some brussels sprouts and cabbages.  Hopefully these grow well!

The peas have sprouted!!!

Garden Workday

We spent a day working in the garden to get more things planted.

Heather working in the greenhouse getting our seedlings ready to plant.

The apple trees are all flowering.  We should have a good crop this fall.

We had to Poofy-proof our planting beds so the farm kitty didn’t dig up our fresh plantings.

Some of our seedlings in the greenhouse.  It isn’t quite warm enough yet to plant these delicate plants outside.

Working in the Garden

We’re starting to work on the garden.  To start things off, we put a bunch of seeds in pots in the greenhouse.  We’ve got peppers, tomatoes, some lettuce, and a few other things growing.

Planting peas at the bottom of the garden.