Heather and I went on a hike in Golden Gate Canyon State Park. We hiked up to Frazer Meadow through stands of aspens losing their golden leaves.
In another week, all of the leaves will be gone.
An old homesteader cabin in Frazer Meadow.
We will have to come back here in the spring.
Up on Ralston Roost looking out toward the Continental Divide.
The continental divide and the hills to the east.
A closeup of the continental divide. Click on the photo for a full-size version. The view is outstanding.
Heather took a photo of me while I was photographing the panorama.
Heather up on Ralston Roost.
The last hurrah of fall.
Heading down from Ralston Roost looking to the northeast.
What a great hike! We went about six miles and gained/lost about 1000 feet.