The Valley Between Sutherlin and Umpqua in the Morning Mist


Heather and I set out on a new adventure to explore Southwest Oregon and Northwest California.  Our first destination was a drive down through the little valley between Sutherlin and Umpqua.



The mist and clouds hug the hilltops in the morning.

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Many old barns stand sentinel in the area, reminding us of the past and progress toward the future.


This barn design must have been popular in the area.


Three barns in a row with the same general design!

Valentine’s Day Marsh Walk


On Valentine’s Day Heather and I took a walk through the marsh near her apartments.  The sunset was beautiful over Marys Peak.


Lots of ducks feeding in the shallow water.

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An egret hunting in the shallows.  This is the first year that I have seen egrets in the Willamette Valley although I understand that they have been in the area for the last few years.  Perhaps with climate change we will see more of these white birds in Oregon.

IMG_4989IMG_4991The egret flies away to the other side of the marsh whenever someone walks near.


Diving in Newport



On Saturday we went diving at the 2nd and 3rd fingers on the south jetty in Newport.  The visibility was at least 10 feet, the nudibranchs were out, and the swell wasn’t too bad.



856651_418565024897944_1645121091_oMy mom took this picture between our first and second dives.  Note that I use Vaseline in my mustache to keep a good mask seal at depth.  With a proper application of Vaseline, I get no leaks!