Portland Timbers vs Seattle Flounders

Heather, Sean, Katie, and I went to the big Timbers vs Flounders match.  We drove up very early in the morning to try and get wrist bands.  As luck would have it, we got the last four wrist bands available!



 The pitch ready for the match.

 A brilliant beverage holder.

 The Timbers Army starts to flood in.


 Other fans come in.

 An AMAZING head dress.

 We found a pink unicorn.

The Timbers tied the Flounders 1-1.  A few more games will have to be played to decide who will win the Cascadia Cup.  Derby days will continue!


Newport Wild Seafood Weekend and the Newport Fishermen’s Wives

Heather and I went to the Newport Wild Seafood Weekend put on by the Newport Fishermen’s Wives.  They had a huge inflatable crab at the event.

 The Yaquina Bay Bridge.

 Sea Lions doing their thing.

 Heather found adorable dogs.

There were a TON of middle or high school students at the South Beach campground.  Surprisingly it was our group that nearly got kicked out for making too much noise after curfew.