Yesterday Heather and I went on a drive along the coast. We stopped at Cape Perpetua. In spite of the incoming storm, the waves weren’t all that large.

We did get a couple of good splashes but nothing extraordinary.

Up on top of Cape Perpetua looking south.

The hut on top of Cape Perpetua.

Somewhere out there is Japan.

Looking at the mist-shrouded forests inland from the coast.

A little further south on a beach. The guy in the distance was surf fishing.

At North Jetty in Florence where all the divers go.

The visibility was pretty good. If both Heather and I didn’t have colds, we would have gone diving yesterday. There were a few people with DPVs setting up in the parking lot and waiting for high tide.

Further down the jetty looking back up the river.

We didn’t walk further out because of the fierce, cold wind.