Saturday Ride with Fairlight

Two Saturdays ago, Fairlight and I went out for a ride near Independence.  The last time we had seen each other was a decade ago at our high school graduation.  Incidentally, this was the first time Fairlight had been on a motorcycle.  The above photo is of Fairlight in front of the winery that bears her last name.

Back at Independence.  Fairlight wrote up a nice blog post on her website about the ride.  We will be taking one of my other motorcycles out in the near future when the rain lets up enough to have a good ride.










90 misty miles

I ditched studying and work for a bit to go for a quick motorcycle ride this afternoon.  The loop took me up through Kings Valley, Dallas, Rickreal, and Salem.  Then I turned south through Independence and Camp Adair back to Corvallis.  In total it was about 90 miles.

My Route Map

Long ride through Perrydale and Amity

I took a long ride around the valley yesterday on some interesting and stunningly beautiful roads. The country around Perrydale in particular is gorgeous this time of year.

In total I road about 125 miles. I also stopped and got some gas. My fuel economy was 45.5 mpg. Not too surprising considering the fun I’ve been having lately.

My Route Map