Bumpy road on old 99W

Trip with Carl from my house on 18th street in Corvallis, Oregon out along the Independence Highway to Independence, Oregon.  Then to Monmouth, Oregon where we turned southbound on Highway 99w for a few miles before taking a right turn and then a left onto the old 99w complete with very bumpy cement road surface.  Just after the old 99w rejoins the new 99w, we turned right and ran out along a country road for a ways before we turned around on account of Carl being a bit low on gas.  Returned to Corvallis on 99w.  Stopped for gas at the Towne Pump near Fred Meyers.  Got 2.214 gallons at $4.199/gallon for $9.30 of gas.  Total miles on that tank was 114.6.  Fuel economy was ~52mpg.  That was city driving, mountain roads, highway driving, and testing the bike while we finished repairing it.  Total tank capacity is 3.5 gallons meaning I had 1.2ish gallons till bone dry.

Total of 65 miles.