Flooding by the Irish Bend Covered Bridge

Jesi and I went out to the Irish Bend Covered Bridge this afternoon to check on the water levels.  The surf is up today!

 Ducks enjoying the pasture.

 Water running through the forest and swamping a temporary structure near the west end of campus.

 Those are egrets on the far side of the water.


 Water rushing out of a culvert under the road.

 A whirlpool feeding into the culvert.  It reminds me of the power plant intake that I saw in Albania.

 A little more water and the road is going to be over-topped.





 The culvert is getting mighty close to completely full.  A few more sticks or logs and it’s curtains for the road.



A Walk that Turned Into a Hike




Last week Jesi needed to blow off some steam.  We ended up walking eight miles and didn’t get back until nearly dark.  Here, the old sheep barns have been taken down and a new barn is getting ready to rise.



The last week or so we’ve had coastal low clouds and fog rolling across the valley.  It reminds me of San Francisco.  Perhaps this is what global climate change will look like.





On this day the fog never quite made it to the valley.  On other days it has gone all the way to the Cascades.





On top of Bald Hill.



Some artwork in the barn on the flank of Bald Hill.




While you were sleeping…

This morning I couldn’t sleep.  Instead of tossing and turning in bed waiting for morning to come, I got up and went for a run through campus and out toward the covered bridge.



It’s difficult to see but there were two deer grazing in the grass by the tree line.  I could see the steam rising off their backs and vapor coming from each exhaled breath.


The Irish Bend Covered Bridge where I recently had a motorcycle photo shoot.


The sun prepares to make its debut over Corvallis for the day.

Clouds on the horizon made us wait a few minutes longer for first light this morning.

Sunrise over Corvallis.  What were you doing when the sun came up today?

Golden dappled light washes across the fields and hills.


The burning nuclear inferno of hydrogen rises into the trees.

The sun rises far enough north in the sky this time of year to provide light to the interior of the covered bridge.

Warmth and light return once more to the valley.