Driving Along the West Coast of the North Island

Off on another adventure-packed day in New Zealand!


Up on a headland in the Aria-Te-Uru Recreation Reserve.


Australia is that way somewhere.






Close call with the water.

Muscle rock.

We must have seen a dentist and acted instinctively.


 A lasting impression.

Yes, you can get your mullet smoked while you watch someone flounder.

What the!  We’re on the wrong side of the road!  And why is the steering wheel over here?!

Kristen is much more calm than she should be.


Passing Through Auckland

On our mad rush south, we passed briefly through Auckland on the highway.


Dancing fruit on a roof!

A pointy thing in downtown Auckland.

One day I’ll get back to Auckland to check it out on foot.  For now, we must travel south!