Honda Pacific Coast (PC800) Patches/Decals

This page describes patches and decals that were or possibly are available for the Honda Pacific Coast PC800 motorcycle rider community.

Editor’s note: I am preserving Leland Sheppard’s PC800-related content after his passing. This is one of his pages that I felt the PC800 community would want to have preserved. Leland may be on his final Iron Butt ride but he is not forgotten.

Lemmings Non Sumus

First available August 20, 2001
“non sumus” is Latin for “We are not” so “Lemmings non sumus” is “We are not lemmings”. In essence, lemmings are little rodents who by their basic nature are followers – even to their own demise / destruction / drowning, etc. Many (not all) bikers are lemmings in style, dress and the motorcycles they ride. PCers are not lemmings and proud of it!
The Lemmings Patch was created “because we like it”
* Simple and attractive
*Traditional PC colors
*Unique shape (PC trunk / butt)
*The Message
For a more detailed, “scholarly” and humorous summary by Professor David Sigsbee, see below:

From: David L. Sigsbee
To: Wayne Cc:
Sent: Tuesday, February 01, 2005 8:16 AM
Subject: Re: PC800: Lemmings non sumus?

Since PC800 owner Harry from Montana uses the phrase “lemmings non sumus” in email signature to this group, I presume this is a PC800 related topic.

I have a Ph.D. in Classical Greek and Latin (AKA Classical Studies) and as with all classicists, my professional obligation is “to strive to be error free and to identify error in others.” How’s that for pompous and obfuscating? Professional chest thumping aside, let’s look at the quote.

Lemmings are small rodent like animals of either of the genus lemmus or the genus dicrostonyx. The plural nominative case ending (i.e., the subject/predicate nominative case ending for lemmus) is lemmi. The plural nominative of dicrostonyx is dicrostonyches.

Lemmings is the English plural of the word lemming, and it comes from lemmus, which appears to be a Late Latin word that refers to these animals.

Dicrostonyx appears to be made of of the Greek elements dicr- “forked,” “ost-” bone, and “-onyx” claw. So the latter term is something about a “forked bone claw” animal, which makes no apparent sense to me, but then I have never seen a lemming of the genus dicrostonyx or any other genus for that matter. [Many scientific words don’t make sense unless you were there when they were created. As a good example of this, consider “mastodon.” Etymologically it means breast (mast) and tooth (odon). Doesn’t sound much like a big, hairy elephant kind of creature. Apparently, it was originally named for a nipple like projection on the teeth.]

Now what is grammatically correct? Hmmm. What language, what grammar, and who says so? Without getting off onto flights of imagination about what correctness is, I would say the following”

“Lemmi non sumus” = “We are not lemmings” is correct Latin.

“Dicrostonyches non sumus” = “We are not lemmings” is also correct Latin, since the Romans were not averse to using Greek words taken straight into Latin.

The problem with these two versions is that it is fairly unlikely that anyone will know what you are talking about. “Lemmings non sumus” is a sentence with a Latin verb (sumus=we are) and Latin negation (non=not), while the word lemmings is an English word used as a predicate nominative in a sentence that is otherwise Latin. But since the Romans were willing to use Greek words in Latin, wouldn’t they also be willing to mix English words into Latin? Probably yes. The closest contemporary situation is the mixture one encounters with Spanglish, where the elements of English and Spanish are brought together. So this means “We are not lemmings” in a language I guess we could call Latlish.

So, as a somewhat intelligible phrase and a fun thing, “lemmings non sumus” is really a great statement and most people will figure out what it is about (if they have any vestigial memory of some high school Latin).

David L. Sigsbee

Office: xxx xxx-xxxx
The University of Memphis
Home: xxx xxx-xxxx
Classics Section Fax: xxx xxx-xxxx
Foreign Languages and Literatures Dunn Hall, Memphis, TN, 38152

Embroidered patch is 4 inches x 3.5 inches

UPDATE: As of June 2012, the Lemmings Patch is once again available and the price is now $8.00! [Editor’s Note: I am unsure if the patch is still available or not…]

Contact the patch seller:
Harry Mitchell
4510 13th St. So.
Great Falls, Montana 59405


Red lettering on White background

First available March 20, 2002. This is the official iPCRC patch as determined by a vote of the membership in November and December 2001.

Todd Skar of Green Bay, Wisconsin was its prime designer following the iPCRC membership’s many recommendations.
This is a round 3.5 inch embroidered patch.
Contact Harry Mitchell (address above) for more information.

Unofficial patch that occasionally makes an appearance.

Pacific Coast Ride Patch

First available July 26, 2004

This is the “unofficial” patch for the annual September Pacific Coast Highway ride.
It is a joint product of Leland Sheppard and Harry Mitchell.
To wear this patch you don’t have to have been a PCH participant — only to promise to do it — some day.
This is a round 3.5 inch embroidered patch.
Contact Harry Mitchell (address above) for more details.

Body by Tupperware Decals

These decals were conceived and designed by Lee Barker, reknowned ex-PCer from Redmond, Oregon.
After Lee moved on, Dean Williams handled these for several years.
After Dean moved on (from the decals only – he still has his yellow PC, Nata Harli),
Harry Mitchell graciously agreed to take over handling of the decals.

Harry Mitchell’s address is listed avove.

If you have questions, please contact: Harry Mitchell [Editor’s Note: I am unsure of if Harry Mitchell is still in production or not. Try emailing him or sending him a letter in the mail.]

Leland Sheppard’s PC800 Page

This page is devoted to the Honda Pacific Coast Motorcycle (PC800) and to the roads I ride in northern California, mostly in the Sierra Nevada mountain range, the Sierra Nevada foothills and along the northern California coast.

Editor’s note: I am preserving Leland Sheppard’s PC800-related content after his passing. This is one of his pages that I felt the PC800 community would want to have preserved. Leland may be on his final Iron Butt ride but he is not forgotten.

My Latest Acquisition – October 20th, 2013

This is a 1989 Pacific Coast that was customized by Wayne Massie of Long Beach, California. If I didn’t need the trunk for commuting, I might just leave it this way. It is growing on me, day by day.

My fleet until a few months ago. The sidecar PC has been sold and is in good hands. The ’90 PC needs work to stop the oil leaks. The ’94 is awaiting a spare engine and for me to get off my duff and finish it. The ’89 below is my current commute bike and PC ride bike.

My four trusty steeds; they are all Honda Pacific Coasts (PC800).  The motorcycle on the right is nicknamed “Black Beauty” and is a 1994 model.  The second bike from the right is nicknamed “Shadow Dancer” and is a 1989 model.  The third bike from the right is nicknamed “Red Baron” and is a 1990 model. Last but not least, the bike on the left is nicknamed “Hannigan” and is a 1996 model with a 1999 Hannigan Super Sport sidecar mounted  They are my tenth, eleventh, twelfth and fifteenth motorcycles respectively.  The prior nine bikes were also Hondas starting in 1964 with a 50cc street bike. My three non-Pacific Coast bikes are a 2002 GL1800, a 1989 Honda GB500 and a 2002 Ural Patrol. Pictures of the latter can be seen on my home page (link below).

I purchased Black Beauty September 16, 1993 from Lamb’s Honda Yamaha in Auburn California for about $6800 out the door (tax, license, etc. included).  As of November 10, 2007, I have 208,400 miles on this bike with very few problems and no engine work.

I had an accident with Black Beauty in August of 1999.  I was leaned over hard in a tight right hand corner when the back wheel slipped out from under me.  I could not figure out why since I had been through this corner, leaned over just as hard, many times before without incident.  The roads were dry and the weather was sunny.  After learning how to tell the manufacturing date of a tire, I realized that the back tire on the bike was over 3 years old when it was mounted and about 3.5 years old at the time of the accident.  It was too old and too hard to be used for that type of cornering.  Needless to say, both bikes have fresh tires now and always will have in the future.

After two days without my beloved Pacific Coast, I went onto the Internet and found another one.  This one was a very clean looking 1989 model and, as it turned out, the man who was selling it lived about 3 miles from me.  I went over, looked at the bike, and bought it.  I paid $3750 for it in August of 1999.  That was probably a little high but the bike was in very good condition with only 11,616 miles on it.  As of November 10, 2007, Shadow Dancer has 104,925 miles on it.

Black Beauty was out of service for about 2 months.  It has had over 70,000 miles added to it since the accident including two 2300 mile jaunts down CA1 with a bunch of other PC800s during September of 2000 and again in September of 2001.  If you own a PC800 and would like to meet other PC800 riders, join us for the ride on the PCH.

On October 26, 2001, I flew back to the east coast and picked up the Red Baron in Livingston, New Jersey.  I paid $3900 for it and it had 10,982 miles on it when I picked it up.  Over the next five days I rode it back to California.  It would have been a four day trip but the battery died in Nebraska and I ended up staying overnight to get the problem solved.  Since the battery was probably 11 years old, it was due to quit.  Other than the incident with the battery, the bike performed flawlessly over the 2800+ mile trip.  Just like a PC800!

On November 24, 2001, I took the Red Baron on a 1000 mile ride.  I completed the ride in 16 hours and 45 minutes.  I submitted documentation to the Iron Butt Association in order to get a certificate for completing a “Saddle Sore 1000” – that’s a 1000 mile ride in less than 24 hours. I am now Iron Butt Association member #10582.

Because I put over 6,000 miles on the 1990 PC800 during the first month of ownership, I decided to call it the Red Baron; I’ve spent most of my time on the bike “flying low”. As of November 10, 2007, Red Baron has 80,925 miles on it. I have received certification from the IBA for a Bun Burner Gold I did on Red Baron in July of 2006. That’s 1500 miles in 24 hours. They certified it at 1526 miles in less than 24 hours.

On August 10, 2005, I flew back to Baltimore and picked up Hannigan from a friend in Salisbury, Maryland. I paid $6,000 for this bike and it had 11,421 miles on it when my friend picked it up for me in Baltimore. By the time I got ready to leave Maryland, the bike had 11,500 miles on it. Over the next four days, I drove (remember it has a sidecar – you don’t ride sidecar rigs, you drive them) it back to California. The trip was uneventful except for a flat tire on the sidecar in the middle of nowhere in western Utah. I got lucky and a replacement tire found me and within a couple of hours I was on my way again. Other than that, per usual, the PC itself performed flawlessly even through Eisenhower Tunnel (at over 11,000 feet) and over Vail Pass (at 10,616 feet). This year I took Hannigan on the PCH ride and had fun trying to keep up with everybody else on solo bikes, particularly through the twisties. Coming back from the PCH ride, I did a Saddlesore 1000 with Hannigan and am waiting for certification from the IBA on that one. That was 1018 miles in less than 24 hours. As of November 10, 2007, Hannigan has 28,300 miles on it.

I live in Placerville, California (in the Sierra foothills) and, until May 31, 2006, worked in Concord, California.  For 3 1/2 years, I commuted 232 miles per day (round trip) using one of the three solo bikes, three days per week, year-round.  I alternate the bikes every day. That added up to over 30,000 miles per year just commuting.

With my pleasure rides and my year-round commute, I am currently riding between 30 and 40,000 miles per year. As of November 10, 2007, I am 2 months past the 14th anniversary of purchasing my first PC800. I currently have put over 385,000 of my own miles on these four bikes. I am averaging over 28,000 miles per year between the four bikes.

Except in the corners, I generally ride pretty slowly on the highways.  I ride at 60mph, generally, although the bikes are capable of doing 115mph (indicated).  I am averaging 53.75mpg with the ’94 and 51.47mpg with the ’89.  Because of all of the high speed riding I’ve done with the Red Baron, I’m currently averaging only 48.07mpg with it.  However, I get nearly the same mileage on it for my commute as with the other two bikes so it will eventually almost catch up with the others.

Because of the load of the sidecar, Hannigan averaged about 32mpg on the trip back from Maryland and is now averaging around 38mpg for the local driving I am doing with it.

The rider’s footpegs have a bolt on the bottom which is intended to touch the road before anything else on the bike (after the tires, of course…:-)).  The bolt heads on both foot pegs on all three solo bikes are worn significantly from being dragged on the asphalt.  I love cornering.

The Honda Pacific Coast is a great bike.  In my not-so-humble opinion, I think it is the most beautiful production motorcycle ever built.

Besides being gorgeous, it is extremely practical.  It has a large clam-shell trunk lid which exposes two cavernous “saddle bags” that are capable of swallowing a good deal of stuff.  I carry my brief case in one side when going to work.  A fully loaded, tall, paper grocery bag will stand up in the trunk with no problem.

Because of the plastic body covering, it is quite streamlined.  It slips through the air.  It is also easy to clean.

Maintenance is quite low.  The valves require no adjustments.  It has a shaft drive so there is no chain to create a mess, require constant lubrication and adjustment, etc.

Besides being gorgeous and practical, the bike is comfortable, fun to ride; it handles beautifully.  It is equally at home on the freeway cruising at 75mph or better and in the foothills carving canyons with complete aplomb.  I cruised all the way across the US,  and on the 1000 mile and 1500 mile rides as well, at 75mph or higher with the 1990 model.  The bike has a low center of gravity, for a sport tourer, and handles easily and well as a result.

It is extremely comfortable.  On both of my cross-US trips, I stopped only for gas and at night.  The same was true on my Iron Butt rides; I stopped only for gas.  If my butt gets sore or my legs get stiff, I just stand up on the pegs for a minute.

Prior to owning the Pacific Coasts, I had a 1972 Honda CB750 Four.  I owned that bike for 22 years.  I loved it.  It was quick, nimble, had a great sound, handled quite well, etc.  Because of a lack of time to ride, the bike sat for nine years, from 1984 to 1993.  In 1993, I spent $1250 to restore the bike which had only 8300 miles on it at the time.  New tires, new chain, clean out the gas tank and four carbs, new battery, new oil hoses, and so on.  [All of the work (and all of the maintenance on my four Pacific Coasts and on the Gold Wing, Ural and the GB500) was (is) done by John Proto of Performance Cycle in Diamond Springs, California.  John is a factory-trained Honda mechanic, conscientious, honest and, on top of all of that, a nice guy.  I won’t let anyone else work on my bikes anymore.]

The CB750 ran like a champ.  I put another 4000 miles on it and decided to buy a Pacific Coast to commute with.  I intended to keep the 750 to ride on the weekends.  After about 30 days of riding the Pacific Coast, I became so spoiled with and enamored of the handling, comfort and every other aspect of the PC that I decided to sell my 750. I didn’t like riding it after being on the Pacific Coast.  I have never looked back…

I got personalized plates for my PCs.
In order to make cycling through the PCs easier (pun intended), I park them on the Pacific Coast highway.

(A friend of mine had the sign made up.)  With that many Pacific Coasts passing through, the storage building next to my motorhome does, indeed, resemble a “Pacific Coast” highway, don’t you think?

For links to a lot more information on the PC800 and many other people who love and ride them, try: [editor’s note: link moved from original place] PC800 Links

Here’s a link to my online photo albums which contain pictures from a number of my motorcycle trips: [Editor’s Note: Leland’s Smugmug went away after he passed. However, we captured all of the images and they are available in this ZIP folder – WARNING: It is about 1.1 gigabytes. Unfortunately the context of the photos has been lost.]

Some of my favorite rides through the Sierras:

(As soon as I can produce the maps or find software that will, I will add the maps here.  I will add pictures as they become available.)

  1. 42 mile loop – if I have an hour to spare and want a bunch of fun, this is where I go.
  2. Loon Lake
  3. Caples Lake
  4. Bodie
  5. Tioga Pass
  6. Bodie, Tioga, Yosemite loop
  7. Eight-pass mountain loop trip report
  8. Spring Mountain Motorcycle Camping Trip

This site was last updated on 10/21/2013; the change added my 5th PC, a customized ’89.

Back to Leland’s Home Page

June 2001 Rider Article on the TGPCHPCMY2KMR

This post contains a reproduction of the June 2001 Rider article on the TGPCHPCMY2KMR (The Great Pacific Coast Highway Pacific Coast Motorcycle Y2K Motorcycle Ride). This is the bike annual gathering of the Honda Pacific Coast PC800 motorcycles and this article commemorates the first year of the ride.

Editor’s note: I am preserving Leland Sheppard’s PC800-related content after his passing. This is one of his pages that I felt the PC800 community would want to have preserved. Leland may be on his final Iron Butt ride but he is not forgotten.

Copyright Rider Magazine, 2001

Story and photography by Rick Corwine

Placed here for the benefit of those iPCRC members around the world who do NOT have access to Rider Magazine.

Page 86

If you have any questions, please contact: Leland Sheppard [Editor’s Note: While Leland is away on his final ride, Douglas might be able to answer your question.