Flying Back to Singapore

After a day or so in Malaysia and Brunei, we hopped back on a flight and went back to Singapore for the next week’s work activities.

One last look at Miri.

Morning clouds will turn into afternoon showers.

All of the cargo ships waiting off the coast of Singapore.

Lots of boats on the approach to the airport.

One of the residential districts of Singapore.

Pulling into the budget airline terminal.


Heading Back to Malaysia and a Neat Temple

We saw these signs along the highway in Brunei.

A nice Land Cruiser Prado.

We stopped by a temple in a random neighborhood of Miri after we crossed over the border into Malaysia.

I nearly got bit by a dog taking some of these photos.

Interesting dragons guarding the gate.

Beautiful temple.


Into Brunei

We headed into Brunei for a day to check out the tiny country and see what there is to see.  On the way there, we saw this really nice Toyota.

Random roadside temple on the Malaysia side of the border.

Substation on the Malaysia side.  You need electricity no matter where you are.

More of that substation.

In Brunei now.  Everything is clean and well taken care of.

A random huge tea set.  Because why not?

Some big Shell Oil tanks along the road.