Marys Peak and a Forest Adventure Complete with A Huge Clearcut


Heather and I headed up Marys Peak on an impromptu shake-down cruise of the Ford Explorer that we borrowed from my mom.  We had attached a top box to the roof rack and wanted to see how it would perform.  This panorama is from the saddle on Marys Peak.


The wildflowers were just starting to bloom.



At the upper parking lot.  It was surprisingly cold up there!


What a beautiful place.


Additional blooming flowers.



Looking up at the Explorer at the edge of the upper parking lot with the sun sinking below the horizon in the west.


Looking out toward Corvallis and the Willamette Valley.


The Explorer and the top box.


As we headed down the mountain, we decided to take a back road.  One wrong turn led to another and pretty soon we were on an adventure in the back woods of the Oregon coast range!


Heather and I used our intuitions to figure our way out of the forest.



We stumbled upon a huge clearcut in the middle of the forest.


Onward and upward to find our way out.

STA_6971-STF_6976A panorama of the huge clearcut.  We drove all the way around the top part of the clearcut.  These are the things that most people in Oregon never see.  That poor forest.  I hope all the animals found new homes.

An Unexpected Snow Storm on Marys Peak


After a dinner at The Woodsman, an interesting lumberjack-themed Thai restaurant in Philomath, Heather and I took a quick trip to the top of Marys Peak.  Partway up the mountain we started seeing snowflakes and a dusting of snow on the trees.

Pretty soon we realized we were driving into a big cloud that was producing a snow storm on the top of the peak.


A few weeks ago, this whole road was a few feet deep in snow.  In the last week or two it all melted off.  The last few days have been cold again.  This allowed a bit of snow to fall on Marys Peak again.

At the upper parking lot on Marys Peak looking toward the summit.  The wind was incredibly cold and biting.


Heather was brave enough to roll the window down for a minute for a quick photo.  Corvallis would be visible in the background on a clear day.


Looking west toward where the ocean would normally be.


On the way down from the summit we stopped off at a logging operation that has been running for the last several months.  Earlier in the winter, the logging outfit was plowing the road to allow log trucks and equipment to pass.

This bulldozer is serving as the anchor for a high line on the logging operation.


Lots of trees have been felled and are awaiting pickup to the top of the hill.  This is probably the second or maybe the third time that this forest has been logged.


Hopefully all of the animals escaped before the felling started.  It will take another 40-80 years for the forest to regenerate to the point where the timber is merchantable again.  It will take many hundreds of years before it is considered old growth.

IMG_6433Another view of the activity.  It is rare that the general public gets to see a logging operation like this up close and personal but throughout the coast range and Cascades in Oregon, and in forests all around the world this is the everyday reality.  The world needs timber for a variety of things such as to build houses and to make paper.  Until some other cheaper way is found to fill these roles, forests will continue to be logged.  I am curious how many cycles of cutting can happen before the soils become exhausted and trees stop growing on the land.  It seems to me like this would be a finite amount of time.  So it goes in the forests of Oregon.