Volunteer appreciation night at the aquarium

We went to volunteer night at the Monterey Bay Aquarium to see the animals after dark.

The kelp forest tank was lively with the big overhead lights being turned on.

This octopus was very curious about the guests who were looking at him after his normal bedtime.

Lots of cool fish and invertebrates hanging out in the tanks.

The jellyfish room is always a favorite.

Open ocean tank.

Monterey Bay Aquarium Visit

We went over to the Monterey Bay Aquarium to check it out.  Lots of cool fishes and other things to see.

Sea nettle tank!

Cool little jellies.

Cute little cuttlefish.

Tuna cruising by.

A few eels doing their thing.

Cute puffer fish!

These dudes swim around in circles all day.

These dudes also swim around in circles all the time.

The seal beach at Hopkins Marine Station next to the aquarium.

Lots of fat little pups!