The succulents are doing great in Monterey. We’re in full production to make centerpieces for our wedding (whenever we’re finally able to do it) out of cut wine bottles.

The personal and professional website of Douglas Van Bossuyt
The succulents are doing great in Monterey. We’re in full production to make centerpieces for our wedding (whenever we’re finally able to do it) out of cut wine bottles.
We rang in the new year with Sunny and Poofy in Monterey. The next morning we played board games and relaxed. Let’s hope 2021 is better than 2020 was.
Christmas in Monterey this year was magical even though there was no snow. We decorated the house with every bit of festivity we could muster. Poofy enjoyed the paper bag her parents sent her to play with. Sunny enjoyed observing Poofy. We opened presents on Christmas morning. Not too bad for our first pandemic Christmas.