Posted on June 4, 2019December 12, 2021Cute otters at Breakwater There were two really cute otters out and about at Breakwater this evening. Look at that cute splishy splash! Omnomnom! Hawaiian rowers out and about. Cute little otter chowing down. Snack time!
Posted on May 24, 2019December 12, 2021Sea otters, sea lions, and a wee little bird A very cute seal pair in the harbor in Monterey. A pile of sea lion pups on the jetty. A big bull sea lion sunning himself. A little sea lion pup snoozing on a much bigger sea lion. Yup, the pup is resting its head on the big sea lion. Another sea lion pup looking real cute. Pretty sure this is Plucky, our favorite sea otter. Go, Plucky, go! A shore bird walking on the kelp hunting for bugs. Snoozing sea lion pup.
Posted on May 18, 2019December 12, 2021Seal beach pups and a few friends There were a bunch of really cute seals and their pups on the seal beach by Hopkins Marine Station today. The pups are starting to be weaned and some of them still want to nurse. A big elephant seal up on the beach. It’s starting to molt. Lots of molting action on this sea elephant. Just look at this cutie! Look at those cute eyes!