Delfina Comes to Visit

Delfina came down to Monterey to visit us and eat some crab.  The harbor was very calm in the evening.

Getting ready for some yummy crab.

Eating some delicious crabs!

Mr Sunny says “meow.”

Heading Back to the USA

The flower garden inside the Changi Airport in Singapore.  The airport has many beautiful attractions.

If it’s not Boeing, I’m not going!  Beautiful 787 for our flight from Singapore to Los Angeles.



Heading out of Los Angeles and back to Monterey up the California coast.

Jumbled mountains.


Flying to Los Angeles

On my way to Singapore for work, I took a few pictures out the plane window flying from Monterey to Los Angeles.  Down there somewhere is my house.

We go diving along that coastline.

We go diving out there, too.

Sunrise somewhere along the way.

Coming into Los Angeles, the City of Freeways.

A few skyscrapers.

Big freeway interchange.

There were some HUGE planes at LAX.  Our little puddle jumper was dwarfed on the runway.