Underwater and Above Water in Monterey

Beautiful sunset on San Carlos Beach in Monterey.


We did a little diving and found some sea nettles again.  Gotta keep in diving shape for this job.

Nudibranch on a rock underwater.

Sea nettle out in the sand flats.

A tube anemone flying around in the current.

Around Cannery Row

Honey Badger Don’t Care!  Reminds me of my buddy’s Toyota Tacoma, the Honey Badger.

Looking down Cannery Row form one of the pass-overs.

Looking the other way down Cannery Row.

McAbee Beach and the Mexican Restaurant.  There’s a good dive site here that I’ve been diving at before.

Great little piece of sand and rock.

I spy an old 4runner!  Sweet!

Sunny says he’ll forgive me… someday.

Rainbow over the bay.