Monterey Bike Night

After coming back from a work trip to Paris, I found myself in the middle of Monterey Bike Night.

So many wonderful classic metric muscle bikes.

Dat Japanese six cylinder.

A Kawasaki 4 banger.

Another six cylinder Honda!  These are pretty rare bikes.  To see two on one block is pretty amazing.

There probably were over 1000 bikes parked all up and down Cannery Row.

A really cool old Honda.  Not too many like these around anymore.

Motorcycles Battened Down for the Unending Storms

With all of the storms we’ve had over the last few months and my quickly dwindling spare time, I decided to put some plastic tarps over my motorcycles to better protect them.  Since I did this about a week ago we’ve had a half dozen storms roll through that have produced wind, rain, snow, and hail.  It was a good decision to tarp my bikes.  Hopefully at this time next year I will have a garage or car port to keep these under.